Teach Attendees to Maximize the Value of Your Conference Platform
Desktop and mobile conference platforms can cause attendee productivity to skyrocket—if your attendees are using the platform properly. To ensure that they are, you may need to provide a little education, especially the first year you adopt the technology. Here are some tips you can pass on to your participants to help them reap the benefits of desktop and mobile conference technology.
Attendees should:
Start well in advance of the event.
Sign in early and get familiar with the platform.
Build out their profile.
You can’t win if you don’t play, so attendees should be sure their profile information is correct and complete. Participants should upload any additional relevant documents, photos, links, etc., so that other conference-goers will know what the attendee has to offer.
Review the profiles of others and save favorites for future follow-up.
A time-effective preparation strategy starts with sorting other participants by interest, then skimming relevant profiles. Attendees can mark favorites and circle back later to do more research on those individuals the participant might wish to meet in person.
Identify must-do conference events and build a schedule.
The attendee should plan ahead so he or she can hit all key events and still have plenty of time left for networking, one-on-ones and informal get-togethers.
Identify targets and invite to meetings.
Meeting invitation features make it easy for attendees to invite others to meet at the conference (JUJAMA’s technology enables multiple invitations at one time), with suggested available time slots based on the attendee’s unique schedule.
At the event, use schedule and push notifications to stay on track.
For the attendee, having the conference app on their phone is like having a personal assistant at the event, keeping them on target. It’s quick and easy for the conference-goer to check the schedule and see what’s next.
After the event, use the platform to follow up with leads and contacts.
With contact information and the attendee’s personal in-app notes from meetings and lectures, it’s easy for him or her to follow up with leads when the conference has ended and everyone’s back at their desk.