Behind the Scenes: Jujama’s 2018 Summer Interns
Jujama is extremely grateful to have two interns joining our marketing team for the 2018 summer . We’ve been working with them for a few weeks already and we love working with them.
Jamie Walsh 
Jamie Walsh is a 2018 graduate of Temple University with a bachelor’s degree in Communication and Entrepreneurship. While at Temple, she was a member of the Public Relations Society of America and a previous journalism intern at The Tab Media in Brooklyn, NY. This summer, she is interning with us in the marketing department.
Coming from Vandling, PA, Jamie is a 2015 graduate of Forest City Regional High School and plans to attend California University of Pennsylvania in the fall for her Masters of Business Administration.
“Out of all the experiences I had the opportunity to gain in school, Jujama has provided the most helpful and welcoming environment to work in and I look forward to all that I will learn this summer.”
Jamie found her summer internship at Jujama by keeping up on new postings from the Scranton Small Business Internship Initiative site. We thank the local SBDC for all of their help in filling our open positions.
“This summer, I am responsible for creating content for Jujama’s blog and social media networks and help with the company’s marketing strategy.”
Kaitlyn Oliver
Kaitlyn is currently a senior at Marywood University, expecting to finish her Marketing degree by the end of 2018. While at Marywood, she is a member of the Business Club and has interests in music, fashion, health and fitness, and interior design.
Hailing from Eynon, PA, Kaitlyn is a 2015 graduate of Valley View High School. After graduation, Kaitlyn hopes to land a marketing career in the fashion industry or open her own business.
“I really like the people I work with and how everyone is so welcoming and friendly. Plus, they make you feel like you’re a part of the team.”
Kaitlyn landed her internship at Jujama through Marywood’s Career Center which linked her to the Scranton’s Small Business Internship Initiative site.
“So far, I’ve been responsible for researching potential partnerships and venues and creating content for the Jujama blog.”