JUJAMA to Introduce Universal App – Apple Guidelines Update
There has been a lot said and written about Apple recently changing their app submission guidelines regarding apps that have similar functionality or those that are based off similar code. (Guidelines 4.2.6 and 4.3) This change has impacted (or will shortly) many different app vendors that specialize in white label apps, verticals, or app generation.
Apple is now requiring that app providers who produce event/conferencing apps create a single app to house all events (which they refer to as a “container app”). The only exception to this is apps that are completely built from the ground up for each event and whose feature set represents a significant deviation from the standard feature set. (The same policy changes are also applying to other categories of white labeled apps and other verticals.)
JUJAMA has discussed these changes with Apple Representatives over the last few months and we are implementing a “container” or universal app as required by Apple. This event app will allow our customers to access events via an event code or event name lookup from a single app in the app store. Although this does have the negative effect of removing event branding at the app store level (icon, description, and name) – it does offer other benefits to our customers in that there will no longer be an app store approval process or restrictive deadlines – events will be able to go live instantly. Once the user adds the event via code or name – the app will appear to them the same as it would have originally as a standalone app. JUJAMA has completed extensive work to bring all of our highly configurable features into this new universal app. As an added bonus we are simultaneously rolling out an interface redesign! Furthermore, by reducing the number of apps to be maintained – we, at JUJAMA, will be able to use that recovered time to develop new and exciting features for the app.
Please also note that many of our competitors will tell you that white labeled single conference apps will still be possible – this is true, BUT implementing this will represent a much larger cost to the customer due to increased development time. And, what is not told is the biggest danger — Apple refuses to give specific guidance on what will be rejected or accepted if submitted. So, the risk is there and there are no guarantees.
Should you have any questions on the new JUJAMA conference event app, please contact us at support@jujama.com.