How to Pitch An Event App To Your Budget Supervisor

January 28, 2015

When it comes to budgeting for an event app—especially if it’s your first one—you may have to explain the value of the app to the people holding the purse strings. You know the app is going to provide a world of value to your attendees, but you may be struggling to put that value into words. So here are some key points to make sure your budget supervisor understands.

How to Use the Data from Your Event App

January 14, 2015

Event apps provide the conference organizer with a wealth of information that can be used to improve both this year’s event and future ones as well. By harvesting your conference app data, you can prevent problems at your current event and plan effectively so that next year’s conference is even better and more engaging for attendees. Here’s how to make it happen.

4 Things JUJAMA Did This Year To Improve Your Life, #EventProfs!

December 22, 2014

JUJAMA celebrated some wonderful milestones in 2014, and every one of them was a move we made to make life better for our event professional customers – or a nice piece of recognition we got for doing so! Here are four innovations we undertook this year – and an award we won because of it!

How Event App Sponsorships Benefit the Sponsor

December 10, 2014

Securing sponsors for your event app can have a huge impact your event’s budget – and your attendees’ experience. Treat app sponsorships like a marketing investment, and make sure the companies you’re courting to sponsor your app know these three things before they make a decision.

We Are Thankful! JUJAMA Named Small Business of the Year

November 26, 2014

In November, JUJAMA won the Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce 2014 Small Business of the Year award. Read how this award helped reinforce what makes JUJAMA so exceptional for President/CEO Nadia Dailey!

Socially Successful: Event Social Feed Do’s & Don’ts

November 5, 2014

If your attendees use social media regularly, they should have no problem feeling right at home in your event app’s private social feed. However, although similar, asocial feed is not exactly the same as a social network. Here are some of our top tips on social feed etiquette to help participants make the most of their conference experience – and to help you make the most from your investment in an event app!

Cold Feet? Top 3 Fears of First-Time Event App Buyers

October 22, 2014

Feeling hesitant about purchasing an event app for the first time? You’re not alone! We often hear the fears of event organizers who just aren’t sure what to expect from their first conference app, and we’d like to put those fears to rest. Here are the top three fears of first-time event app buyers, and the three reasons you have nothing to worry about.

Keeping Attendees ‘Appy: 3 Payoffs of Onsite App Support at Your Event

October 8, 2014

If our app is so easy to use, why would you need onsite support? It’s simple: because onsite support pays off. Learn how we can help your attendees make the most of their event experience with the top three ways onsite app support pays off in real terms.

How to Ace the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: Tip #1: BioProScheduler

September 17, 2014

Looking to get in front of the right people at the 2014 J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference? We’ve got the tool for you. Learn how to maximize your networking opportunities with our BioProScheduler meeting platform this January!

Media-Rich Profiles: Empower Your Attendees To Tell Their Story

September 3, 2014

More than just a useful way to help your attendees stay organized, your event app is a tool for empowering your attendees to accomplish their goals. Here’s how choosing a conference app with media-rich profiles allows attendees to tell their story, and turn their profile into a powerful selling tool throughout their event experience.